Turn you passion
for aerial Yoga
into a
Professional Career
Body Fly International Academy is more than a just a Yoga Center or Fitness Organization. BFIA offers cutting-edge training curriculum that allows you to develop a professional international career through the Body Fly International Academy Network. The BFIA community is focusing on improving the life our clients worldwide. It supports you to promote your professional career, brings high standard and value to the aerial classes of your fitness facility and even enables you to work overseas either as an IAI (Independent Affiliated Instructor) or as an employee of a Body Fly affiliated center. From your very first aerial Body Fly session you participate in a Body Fly Center, you are earning training credits that bring you step by step higher on the level scale. Each session counts towards your training curriculum and is recorded in the international database through your membership card. The essence of BFIA’s outstanding quality Body Fly classes lies in the unique professional course curriculum. Our curriculum keeps evolving thanks to the know-how of our specialists:
- Pilates, Dance and Yoga Master Instructors
- Physiotherapists and Sports Doctors
- Experienced teachers, psychologists and coaches
- Human relation advisors and Marketing Experts for quality control of our centers.